Powered lifting platforms for use by disabled persons

Powered lifting platforms for use by disabled persons

BS 6440:1999 pdf free.Powered lifting platforms for use by disabled persons一Code of practice.
7.4. 1 .4 Idowrr frtv’l pro fret ion
There are no recommendations for doors or
enclosures at the lower level. Intermediate ieee? profretwn
An imperforate partial enclosure should be provided at all intermediate levels. This shoul(l extend the full width or length of the platform, and to one of the following, whichever is the greater
a) the height of the landing doors; or
b) the height of any platform si(Ie panel or barners when the platform is at its highest position, including any overtravel. Upper level protection Liftway entrances at landing levels more
than 500 mm above the lower landing should be Proteete(l by doors, gates or barriers. Doors, gates or barriers should conform as follows:
a) they should be self-dosing;
b) they should be openable by a force at the handle not exceeding 40 N;
c) they should be subject to local building regulations and not less than 1 100 mm in height.
NOTE See also Platform protection (landing side)
To prevent a wheelchair oveminmng the edge of a platform, the platform landing sides should be protected as follows.
a) Pla(fe.errns with travel U 1(1 1 000 inni A safety flap/guard of at least 100 mm in height should cover the useable width of the platfonn (this can be activated by movement of the platfonii away from the lower landing). The safety flap/guard should remain in the raised position until the platform returns to the lower level. It shoul(l be I)rovi(le(l with a safety contact that. stops the platform within 300 mm of the lower level if the flap does not become raised. The flap should be able to withstand the unpact of a loaded wheelchair up to the rated load without permanent deformation.
The gradient of the safety flap/guard (if used to provl(le access to the platform), or other ramp(s) used to provide access, should be:
— 1:4 on a vertical rise up to 50 nun;
— 1:6 on a vertical rise up to 75 nun;
— 1:8 on a vertical rise up to 100 mm;
— 1:12 on a vertical rise above 100 nun.
b) Platforms with travel above I 000 mm up to2000mm A barrier (either a drop or swing type at least 800 mm in height, with at least one intermediate bar 300 mm from the platform floor) should cover the useable width of the platform.The barrier and its lock should be able to withstand the impact of a fully laden wheelchair without permanent deformation.
c) Pin tfonn.c with Irn rd abore 2 000 in Platforms with travel above 2 000 mm should be protected by (borN conforming to Ia safety flap or similar device conforming to item a) may form the lower part of the entrance protectionJ. NOTE Se ab.o Plalfi.irin ;)Ivtcrtwn (non-acess sidls) Non-access edges of platforms thai are not, adjacent to a full-height wall should be protected as follows.
a) PInforms with lmnrl up Ia I (X)() mm A safety flap/guard conforming to 7.4. 1.7a) should be [Irovi(INI.
b) Platforms with travel above I 0(K) mm up to 2 (XX) in iii
A harrier/guardrail conforming to 7.4.1.Th) should be I)roVi(ld
c) Platforms with travel above 2 000 in,ii A fixed imperforate barrier, at least 1 100 mm in height and able to withstand the impact of a fully laden wheelchair without permanent deformation, should be provided. tIud’r-su,face protection Potential trapping hazards from any part of the platform (In(Ier-surface should be eliminated as follows:
a) the space under the platform should be surn)unded by a robust bellows or similar device protecting the periphery of the platform with sensitive edges: or
b) a sensitive surface should be provided over the under-surface. The average force required to actuate the surface should not (‘xcee(l the following, measured at two diagonally opposite corners and the centre point:
1) 50 N for surfaces with an area up to 0.15 m2
2) 100 N for surfaces with an area greater
than 0.15 m2.
7.4.2 Fully enclosed platform
Fully enclosed platforms should conform to and
Each wall of the liftway enclosure should be a sm(x)th continuous vertical surface of hard elements and should have no projections greater than 5 mm. Projection(s) on any a]l of the liftway enclosure up to 1.5 mm may have square corners. – Projection(s) on any wall of the liftway enclosure above 1.5 mm up to 5 mm should have 15’ vertical chamfers on all edges.
Enclosure walls should be al)le to wi(hstan(l an impact from a fully-laden wheelchair. Subject to local building regulations, the enclosure should eXIdn(l at least 1 1(X) nun alx)ve the tipper floor level, except in public buildings where the travel excee(ls 2 O0() nun, in which ca.se the enclosure should extend at least 2 000 mm above the upper floor level.
Gaps in the enclosure wall should not exceed 6 mm.
Doors, gates and moveable barriers should 1w (lesigned in accordance with the needs of iwrsons of impaired mobility as specified in IIS 5619 and BS 5810. Doors, gates and moveable barriers should be operable t)y application of a low level of inainial effort.
Doors, gates and moveable barriers at each landing level (7.4.1) and the door in the enclosure (7.4.2) should conform to 7.4.1.Th) and should not open inwards. The clear width of openings should be at least 800 mm, or, for buildings with public access, 850 mm.
Vision panels should be provided in solid doors. ision panels should conform as follows:
a) they should be at least 75 ruin wide;
b) the lowest edge of the panels should be not more than 900 rum above floor level;
c) they should be high enough to allow a clear view into the liftway.
L)oor, gate, safet.y barrier, and sensitive edge switches should be of the mechanically operated type with contacts that are mechanically broken. Method of operalion
Means to manually or automatically operate doors, gates and moveable barriers should conform to the needs of wheelchair users.
Mechamcal or automatic door operating devices should be 1 000 mm to 1 100 mm above the platform or landing surface.
Automatic door operating devices should conform to 5.1.
Provision of suitable warning signals during opening and closing of automatically operated barrier (levices should be considered (see A.2.2.5). Locking
I)oors, gates and barriers should lock closed when the platform moves outside a 50 mm unlocking zone set at each landing.
An electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, or hydraulic device should be fitted to stop the platform moving if the doors are not closed and locked.
Provuuon should be made for emergency opening each door and gate, at any position of the platform, by an authorized person in case of breakdown.BS 6440 pdf free download.Powered lifting platforms for use by disabled persons

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