Assessment and verification of constancy of performance
BS EN 197-2:2020 pdf free,Cement Part 2: Assessment and verification of constancy of performance. Quality policy statement
The Works’ quality documentation shall include a statement by management defining its quality policy, objectives and commitments to the attainment of product quality. Quality manager
A quality manager shall be appointed who, irrespective of other responsibilities, shall have defined and adequate authority and responsibility for ensuring that the requirements of this document for the AVCP are implemented and maintained. Internal audits and management review
In order to ensure the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the Work’s quality documentation to meet the requirements of this document:
a) Internal audits covering the scope of this Clause 4;
b) a management review of the functioning and the results of the factory production control, taking into account records of the internal audits
shall be performed at least once a year. Training
The Works’ quality documentation shall describe the measures taken to ensure that all the personnel involved in operations that can affect internal quality control and product quality have appropriate experience or training. Appropriate records shall be retained.
4.1.4 System of documentation Document control
All documents and data related to factory production control and to this scheme for the AVCP shall be controlled.
This control shall ensure that the appropriate issues of all documents are available at essential locations, that obsolete documents are withdrawn and that changes or modifications to any document are effectively introduced.
A system shall be established to identiI’ the current version of documents in order to prevent the use of non-applicable documents. Quality records
Records shall be retained to provide evidence of factory production control for at least the period required.
4.2.1 Process control General
The Works’ quality documentation shall describe the parameters for process planning, process control and testing, inspection, corrective action, verification, dispatch and the associated records for each factory and depot. Constituents and composition of cement
Documented procedures and appropriate test methods shall be established to ensure that the constituents meet the specifications in the relevant product specification standard and are suitable to enable cement to be produced meeting the targets and control limits.
The Works’ quality documentation shall describe the methods used by the manufacturer to ensure that the composition of the cement produced conforms to the performance(s) declared in accordance with the relevant product standard, including appropriate test methods. Control of off-specification production or non-conformity
The Works’ quality documentation shall contain procedures for the review and adjustment of the factory production control in case of off-specification production or non-conformity.
The actions taken in the event of non-conformity shall be recorded in a report subject to inspection during the management review.
4.2.2 Measuring and testing Inspection, measuring and test equipment
The equipment for in-process inspection and testing shall be regularly checked and calibrated in accordance with the procedures and frequencies laid down in the Works’ quality documentation. Inspection and test status
Procedures for the inspection and test status through the stages of manufacture shall be detailed in the Works’ quality documentation. These shall include procedures for the control of off-specification intermediate materials.
4.2.3 Handling, storage, packaging and delivery
The Works’ quality documentation shall describe the precautions taken for the protection of the quality of the cement while under the responsibility of the manufacturer for the factory and each depot. Delivery documentation shall allow traceability to the producing works.
4.3 Autocontrol testing of samples
4.3.1 Sampling and testing
A system of autocontrol testing shall be operated for each certified cement. This system shall be used to demonstrate constancy of performance of the cement in accordance with the clause entitled “Assessment and verification of constancy of performance – AVCP” in the relevant product specification standard. The characteristics to be tested, the testing methods, the minimum frequency of autocontrol testing during routine testing and initial period testing and the AVCP criteria including the statistical evaluation of the autocontrol testing results shall be in accordance with the clause entitled “Assessment and verification of constancy of performance – AVCP” in the relevant product specification standard.
For cements not being dispatched continuously, the frequency of testing and the point of sampling shall be as specified in the Works quality documentation.
The system of autocontrol testing shall include depots.
In the case of distributors or importers, where cements were already tested and certified under this document, details are available in CEN/TR 14245.
All test data shall be documented.
4.3.2 Corrective action
In the event of cement yielding a test result not conforming to the single result threshold value AVCP criteria specified in the relevant product specification standard, the affected quantity shall immediately be determined, appropriate action shall be taken to prevent the dispatch of this quantity and the affected customer shall be informed if such cement has been released. In addition, the causes of such non-conformity shall immediately be determined, corrective actions shall be taken and a review of all relevant factory production control procedures shall be undertaken. All such actions and findings shall be appropriately recorded in a report subject to inspection during the management review.
In the event of a complaint plus warning, the minimum frequency of autocontrol testing of nonconforming characteristics shall be doubled for a period of two months following the warning, unless it can be demonstrated that adequate measures were taken from the time of the initial occurrence of the non-conformity until its resolution, including doubling the minimum frequency of autocontrol testing for a minimum period of two months.
4.3.3 Measuring and test equipment for autocontrol testing
The equipment used for autocontrol testing shall be regularly checked and calibrated in accordance with procedures and frequencies laid down in the Works’ quality documentation. These procedures can include comparison of test results by proficiency testing.
4.3.4 Quality records
Records of the autocontrol test results and appropriate records on test equipment shall be retained for at least the period required.
5 Tasks for the purpose of certification
5.1 Assessment of the performance of the cement
The assessment of the performance of the cement2 shall be based on the evaluation of test results during the initial period of the cement, i.e. autocontrol test results (see 4.3.1) and the audit-test results (see 5.4.3) obtained from the first sample and from further samples taken during the initial period.
NOTE In earlier editions of this document, the assessment of the performance of the cement was indicated as “determination of the product type or initial type testing.BS EN 197-2 pdf free download.